ARC Audio Moto CX6 – 6.5″ koaksiaalikaiutin
ARC Audio PSM Moto-dsp
1.11.2021ARC Audio PS8-Pro DSP
1 314,72 €
ARC Audio 8-kanavainen DSP.
Tällä toteutat oman mielen mukaisen laitteiston ohjauksen. Eli 8 kappaletta täysin ohjelmoitavia ja säädettäviä kanavia. Signaalin sisäänmeno onnistuu joko RCA-kaapeleilla, kaiutintasoisena(mukana tulevalla sovitteella), Optisella Toshlink kaapelilla tai BTM-portin kautta BTD-laitteella suoraan bluetoothilla tai BTM-coax sovitekaapelilla
Ei varastossa, vain jälkitoimituksena
Bluetooth erillisellä adapterilla (ARC BTD)
Saatavilla myös kaukosäädin DSP ohjaamista varten (ARC PSC)
Koaksaali sisääntuloa varten tarvitaan adapteri (D.O.C)
Wifi kortti säätämistä varten (AXP)
Processor Type
Stand Alone Unit
Processor Resolution
Fixed Point Native 32-Bits
Sample Rate
Analog Inputs
8 ch. Differential in (RCA or Speaker Level)
Input Sensitivity
.5V – 32V RMS
Digital Inputs
Auto-sense Turn-On
Yes, Signal & DC (BTL) (Uses Ch 1/2 Inputs Only)
Outputs (RCA)
Outputs Voltage (RCA)
Up to 8V
Input Impedance (rca)
10k ohms
Frequency Response
2Hz – 23.5kHz
S/N Ratio 1V 1:1
S/N 4V 1:1
Operating Voltage
6V – 17.0V (Start Stop Compliance to 4.5V)
Output Equalization
248 Bands 1/3rd Octave (linkable) -or- 248 Bands variable Parametric EQ
Output Equalization Resolution
1/10th dB per step +20dB / -24dB
Output Signal Delay
Up to 30ms per channel in .01ms increments (Fixed Point Delay)
Input Signal Mixer
Yes – 10-Channels In (Including Digital) x 10-Channels Out (Including Up-Mixer Out)
Advanced Mixer (Output Signal Mixer)
Yes, When Selected
Easy-to-use Mixer Assistant
Yes, Exclusive to the PS8-Pro, PS8-50 and IPS8.8
Phase Correct AP/HP/LP/BP all channels
Crossover Slopes
6dB, 12dB, 18dB, 24dB, 30dB, 36dB, 42dB, 48dB Slopes all bands all channels
Crossover Types
Butterworth, Linkwitz-Riley, Bessel, Variable Q, Chebyshev (all channels all bands)
Crossover selectable frequencies
10Hz – 20kHz in .01 Hz increments)
Output Signal up mixer
Input Signal Equalization
12 Bands Parametric (linkable) Per Channel
Input Equalization Resolution
1/10th dB per step +20dB / -24dB
Input Equalization All Pass Filters
Yes – Individual per input EQ band
Input Signal Delay
Yes – Up to 11.04ms per channel input
Up to 4-Presets
Hi-Res Bluetooth (Streaming Audio)
Yes – Requires ARC BTM or BTD (Sold Separately)
External Remote Level Control
Yes (ARC PSC or LR1) (Sold as an accessory, not included)
AXP WiFi control adapter card
Exclusive to the Pro Series DSP’s (Sold Separately)
Preset selection without controller use
Yes – Optional manual trigger switches +/- for up to 4 presets (Not Included)
Remote Turn-On Output Controls
Turn on Output (up to 40ms), Turn-on Hold (up to 40ms), Auto-sense hold time (up to 200ms)
Remote Turn-On Output On/Off lead timing control
Remote on/off adjustable up to 40 seconds each
Maestro AR Module interface capable
Yes – Requires Maestro T-Harness, ARC/IDATA signal adapter cable and data cable for connection (Coming Soon)
Expansion Capability (8-CH, 16-CH, 24-CH
PS8-Pro can be ran in multiples with individual USB connections to a single PC with single operating software being used
Software Interface
Windows PC Required (Windows 8 & Windows 10)
Windows OS Notice
Note that the Pro-Series software is ONLY recommended for use with authentic licensed versions of the Windows Operating system. Use of counterfeit, cracked or hacked versions are not guaranteed to work and can cause unwanted and/or undesired results while using any ARC branded DSP or ANY DSP on the market. Use of anything other than an authentic licensed version of Windows will void ALL warranty and support of ARC Audio DSP products and its user interface
8.5″(L) x 5.1″(W) x 1.81″(H)